Life Of Pi Theme - Religion And Faith
Religion and Faith
- Throughout the novel, Pi goes through a lot of emotional survival that deals with Religion and Faith.His first encounter with all three religions (Christianity, Muslim, and Hinduism) was when he talked to the three Wisemans.Now, constantly Pi requests and thanks different gods for help.Whenever Pi retrieves an animal he thanks different gods for sending him such a delicacy.For example, when he catches the Dorado in fishing net, he thanks Jesus-Matsya for letting the fish jump into his net.Also, when there were hordes of flying fish launching into his boat, Pi remarked by saying “Standing unprotected as I was, I felt I was living the martyrdom of Saint Sebastian.” Pi compared himself to Saint Sebastian as he was getting attacked by the huge amounts of flying fish.
- Pi also mentions Gods whenever he sees significant events that could lead to him being rescued.When the oil tanker comes into sight of Pi, he thanks Lord Ganesha and Allah-Brahman for all of their manifestations (in page 260).This point shows how Pi believes that Religion and Faith has helped and guided him past difficult points.Another example where he mentioned god was when he listed the things he had on the lifeboat after scouring through the locker.Some peculiar things were “1 boy with a complete set of light clothing but for one lost shoe, 1 spotted hyena, 1 Bengal tiger, 1 lifeboat, 1 ocean, and 1 GOD.” Pi mentioned god because he knows the he is there to guide and help him through.These two points are all examples of how he has emotionally survived throughout his journey.
- There were also many incidences that were brought along with faith.Richard Parker would not have been on the lifeboat accompanying Pi if the Hunter had caught Richard Parker and sent him to the Pondicherry Zoo.Pi said, “I love you, Richard Parker.If I didn’t have you now, I don’t know what I would do.” Right after the oil tanker passes them.Because of these two ordeals, Pi has found a friend who can cope with what he has been through and accompany him in the course of his adventure.
- Another significant thing he did was during the course of his day was that Pi would constantly pray to keep himself busy and occupied.This helped him get through time because, “Time is an illusion, Pi survived because he forgot about the very notion of time.”
- Pi also said that he will not die as long as god is with him.This basically means that his will to survive depends on god greatly.
- “I was practicing Hindu, Christian and Muslim.” These three images are symbolic symbols for the three religions that Pi value and practice.
Life of Pi Seminar: Emotion Survival
Life of Pi Theme: Fear