Watch Breakout: Nuno Pontes

Nuno Pontes, the mastermind of the entire escape from the most secure prison in the state, was sentenced to life in jail, and was in a desperate need of escaping.At first, Pontes interviewed almost every inmate secretly, to see what they could offer in the escape.He came down to 5 people.From Car Jackers, to an inmate who had a job of delivering things, he hand picked the best of the best.They were known as the Pittsburgh Six.

First, Pontes was told that there was a underground crawl space in the prison.Pontes wanted to dig out from the crawl space to the warehouse, which was outside of the guarded area.

Pontes needed a key.He got a few inmates to distract the guard, and he made an imprint on a styrofoam cup of the key to the crawl space.He got one of the members to make the key, as the person worked in the metal shop.

After 1 week, the key was made.Pontes needed to test the key without being caught by the security guards, and the outlook from the 20 feet wall.After carefully looking around, Pontes went to the door to test the key.He had trouble, but the key worked at the end.Now all they had to do was dig.

After 6 weeks of digging, they finally made it to the warehouse.Their plan was to escape in the morning, when everyone was eating breakfast.They all crawled through the tunnel, and eventually made it to the warehouse.Pontes opened the warehouse door, but he saw a security guard.Pontes nodded, as if he was a construction worker and the security guard nodded back.They quickly exited the area without the guard suspecting anything.But, the prison alarm went off while they were leaving.The alarm was not for them.The guards found out they were gone, and called for a search.

Pontes and another member were driving to their hideout, when they were pulled over by police.Pontes told him to relax, but the member drove off as fast as he could.Pontes escaped by foot, but the person was caught.Eventually, all 6 of them were caught.It turned out, the police pulled them over to tell them to put on their seat belts.If it weren't for their stupid mistake, they would be in Mexico now.

Pontes is a true mastermind, and is probably smarter than most of the guards in the prison. 

Article Written by Mackintosh

Accounting Student

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